Friday, October 28, 2011

Pink Weirdos

There are pink weirdos all they like is pink nothing else. If I wanted them they made me wear pink.The only way I could get them if I would let them work in the pink cotton candy room sense it was pink. They came from Pink Land. All it has is pink and it looks like a regular island on the outside,but if you walk around awhile you fall on a slide. Then you find the Pink Land. If you like pink you would like Pink Land. I don't really like pink I am an orange person not pink. For the Pink Land girls they took it hard because they made me make them cotton candy dresses. I'm happy that there was not a lot of girls and that the boys didn't want anything.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spiny-bodied Animals

Sand dollar
Brittle Star
Sea Cucumber
Sea Urchin
  1. They have five-part bodies and spines.
  2. They have many tube feet with tiny suction cups.
  3. There feet help them move, feel, and capture food.
  4. They only live in water.
  5. The body wall of these animals contains a skeleton of plates.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Myriapod  centipede
Arachnid spider
Crustacean hermit crab
Insect butterfly
  1.  They are more complex then segmented worms.
  2. They have an outer skeleton, legs that bend at joint, and body divided.
  3. Each body part does a job.
  4. They can feel, taste, and smell as well as organs for breathing.
  5. There outer skeleton is called exoskeleton.
  6. They must molt or shed.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cotton Candy Factory

 My factory would be a cotton candy. I would have 150 workers to help me. It would be called Yum Yum Cotton Candy! I would have it on Highway so they can stop and have a snack. I'll have it at every candy store, Kum and go, Walmart, and Kmart. The trees in my factory would be cotton candy and I bet you kids would buy it every day.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Segmented Worms

  1. They are more complex than mollusks.
  2. They have two openings.
  3. They have bodies that are divided into rings, or segments.
  4. Some live on land and some live on salt or fresh water.
  5. They have organ systems for digesting food.

Monday, October 10, 2011


  1. Mollusks are soft- bodied invertebrates.
  2. Some live in water and some live on land.
  3. Some have shells and some do not. 
  4. Most have heads and muscular foot.
  5. Mollusks are very complex than sponges and all of the ones we learned.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What I Would Do For My Job is ......

  When I grow up I want to be a groomer. So I can wash them and cut there hair. I think it would be fun doing that. There is not much of being a groomer. But when I am done I think I would be able to pet them and play with them. If the owner would let me I would  make them look cute like I would put a bandanna on there necks. I don't want to take care of cats I do not like cats!It would be in my house where I am going to take care them.That is all I want to do!

Monday, October 3, 2011


  1. They have two openings.
  2. They have bodies that regenerate.
  3. Most roundworms are parasites.
  4. You will not find roundworms outside.
  5. They are more complex.